Friday, November 19, 2010

Finished WIPs

With Christmas fast approaching I finally decided to finish some of the WIPs I started in the summer as they are all to be gifts.  I need them out of the way so I can focus on what is not done.  Which is unfortunately most everything!

The first being a hoodie for my nephew Thomas.  I purchased the pattern this past summer while I was visiting my brother in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 

The shop is located in the Hydrostone Market which was built in 1920, to replace the area of Halifax that was destroyed in 1917, because of an explosion due to two ships colliding; one being an ammunition ship.

The area destroyed was rebuilt using large hydrostones so the buildings and houses would be livable faster than using regular sized bricks.  
Ok, so there is the little history lesson.  While we were exploring the market I discovered a yarn shop called LK Yarns  I instantly fell in love with all of the yarns and patterns available in this shop.  If you are ever in the Halifax area I strongly recommend going to this shop.  The pattern I purchased is called MinO by Purl Grey which is a local pattern maker.  

I still have to block the sweater but other than that this WIP is done!

Next on the list is this diamond patterned scarf.  A special thanks goes out to Colin and his Movember mustache for being my model.  I started this scarf LAST summer....not the summer that just passed, the summer before.  I got half way finished and became bored with it. I know it's bad to do that, but I found more exciting things to knit, so the scarf was abandoned.  But it's now finished and can be crossed off the unfinished list. 

 The next two items only needed buttons, so I found my button stash (pretty funny that I have a huge button collection since my last name is Button!) and sewed some on.

The neckie pattern if from Jimmy Beans Wool Link

The two-toned pocket scarf was given to me by a friend who wrote it out of a book that she got from the library, and she cannot remember what book it was.

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